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Plant Package

We are dedicated to providing the best plants for your lawn, using premium soil that promotes healthy growth and optimal performance. Our plant packages range from small 1 gallon pots all the way to trees in 25 gallon pots. We take pride in our ability to select the ideal plant variety that best suits your individual needs. Our customers trust us to install top tier plants and superior customer service. Let us help you achieve the lawn of your dreams.

Our Work In Action

Plant Package
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A Tree and a Forest of Plants

A Tree and a Forest of Plants

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As a small business, we truly care about our customers and aim to exceed your expectations with every visit. Give us a call today to learn more about our services and how we can help you achieve the beautiful lawn you've always wanted.

Thank you! We will reach out soon to schedule an appointment for your project.

What We Consider When Installing Plants


Every plant will have different shade tolerances. During our initial inspection, we will study how much sunlight you get in your yard and will help to create a plant list that has the best chance of thriving. We provide a list of the best plants that have a chance at success in your yard based on sunlight. Only have 4 hours on sunlight? Cherry Laurels may be your go to! Even if you don't have a lot of sunlight, we can come in and clear branches that may hinder your ability to get sunlight in the area you want to grow plants.


Unfortunately, deer have become rather comfortable in suburban areas. Because of this, we selectively choose plants that have the best chance at warding deer away. We create a plan of the most deer resistant plants so that you can enjoy the growth and beauty of your newly installed plant package without the aggravation of deer destroying them. We can also provide deer repellant pods that give your new plants the best chance at thriving against wildlife. Want to take it a step further? We can install a small net around your plants so that wildlife has a harder time getting to your new salad bar!


When creating a plant package for our customers, we look at the area of installation and consider what will work with one another. We don't clump together plants as they will one day be 5 times the size and hard to manage when close to one another. We carefully measure the expected growth of each plant and install them far enough apart that they have the best chance of thriving without getting too large and hard to handle. Our rule of thumb is plants need to be spaced out 3 feet apart of one another. This allows you to step back and enjoy the process of them growing without having to keep an eye on it every day.

Plant Package Gallery

New plants with red mulch
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